If you’re just joining us, click here to see what this prayer team is all about! While we are a “pro-life” prayer team, we, IN NO WAY, stand in judgment against those who have chosen abortion in the past! We hold you and your heart in the highest esteem and you are SO WELCOME here. Many women (and men) who’ve experienced abortion often hold onto the memory in silence, suppressing feelings of guilt, shame and grief for, quite often, years. If this describes you, and you would like more information on how to find hope and healing, please visit this site, or click on the “contact me” button above.

My friend, Pat Layton, was in town earlier this week to speak at a nearby church. It was a great excuse for me to get to see her, but it was also a great opportunity for me to hear another big name in the pro-life community, as she was sharing the podium with Carol Everett. Carol is the author of the book, Blood Money, and head of the Heidi Group, which offers full prenatal care in the inner city, only to women with no money or health insurance, or those waiting on their Medicaid. She is also a former abortion provider, at one time considered to be at the top of her field.

When she began her talk, she started with an apology and plea for forgiveness to those in the room for whose abortions she might have been responsible, as she ran a large abortion clinic in the area for many years. It was with great humility and visible brokenness that she did this, as Carol Everett is, today, a saved and redeemed woman. She goes all over the country – world – to speak out on behalf of the pro-life movement, exposing the lies and tactics that are widely used to persuade women toward abortion, and to promote healing to those who have made that choice. After sharing her startling testimony, she said that abortion had to be stopped – not just a change in legislation, but stopped all together.

Certainly, that’s what we’re doing here: praying that God would stop abortion, through a change of heart in our pro-choice president. However, can you imagine if the tide was turned in the hearts of abortion providers across our nation? Ms. Everett became an abortion provider, in part, to justify her own abortion choice. I can’t say for sure, but I would assume this isn’t uncommon. What would happen if others in the industry were to become saved, redeemed and healed? Can you imagine the power of their combined voice?

How marvelous it would be if God stopped abortion…how much more marvelous if He transformed the lives of those in the industry in the process.


He wants not only us but everyone saved, you know, everyone to get to know the truth we’ve learned: that there’s one God and only one, and one Priest-Mediator between God and us—Jesus, who offered himself in exchange for everyone held captive by sin, to set them all free.

1 Timothy 2:4 MSG (emphasis mine)

Father God, we come to You today – many believers, one voice – to stand for life. Lord, we praise You that there is no person beyond Your reach. There is no sin so horrible that it places the sinner beyond the cross. Father, help us to remember that industries of debauchery and destruction are made up of hurting people…”hurt people hurt people.” We know that the voice of the redeemed tells a victory story, giving all the glory to You. Today we pray that You would cause a great wave of change and healing in abortion providers across the nation, causing a domino effect throughout Washington and a subsequent end to the horror of abortion. Oh, Father…Do it, and bring glory to Your name! Believing You will change one heart – and the heart of an industry – for many, we pray in the MIGHTY, LIFE-GIVING NAME OF JESUS CHRIST, Amen.

There is a movie of the same name (that I blogged about a few weeks ago) being made from Ms. Everett’s book, “Blood Money.” To preview a trailer featuring the author, go here.