If you’re just joining us, click here to see what this prayer team is all about! While we are a “pro-life” prayer team, we, IN NO WAY, stand in judgment against those who have chosen abortion in the past! We hold you and your heart in the highest esteem and you are SO WELCOME here. Many women (and men) who’ve experienced abortion often hold onto the memory in silence, suppressing feelings of guilt, shame and grief for, quite often, years. If this describes you, and you would like more information on how to find hope and healing, please visit this site, or click on the “contact me” button above.

This is an early weekly post, as there is a LOT on the line this weekend with regard to government-funded health care. I received the following from Americans United for Life:

Pro-abortion forces have taken a dramatic step towards the tragedy of our tax dollars being used to fund abortions. The increase in the number of innocent lives lost in America – using the taxes you and I pay – is too high to count.

Senate Democrats, led by Harry Reid, have just unveiled a 2074-page government take over of health care bill. This radical bill DOES NOT include the Stupak-Pitts language from the House bill – that you helped pass — prohibiting federal funding of abortion.

Instead the pro-abortion forces in the Senate are winning approval of federal funding for abortion health care coverage. To help limit our ability to fight this radical change of existing law, these pro-abortion Democrats plan to hold the first vote on the bill THIS SATURDAY.

We are fortunate that there have been pro-life legislators on both sides of the aisle working tirelessly to keep abortion funding out of health-care reform! Praise God that He’s working mightily in this way! We just need to keep the pressure on to keep the lives of the unborn out of jeopardy!

Please CALL your US Senators RIGHT NOW (before Saturday) and tell them to VOTE NO on allowing the Harry Reid, pro-abortion health care bill.


My mouth’s full of great praise for God,
I’m singing his hallelujahs surrounded by crowds,
For He’s always at hand to take the side of the needy,
to rescue a life from the unjust judge.
Psalm 109:30-31 MSG

Father God, we come to You today – many believers, one voice – to stand for life. Lord, we thank You that you are always at the ready to “rescue a life”. We ask that You would infuse us with Your strength and perseverance to “take the side of the needy” – to stand in the gap for those tiny ones who have no voice – and be Your instruments in their rescue. We pray that the din of our voices would overpower those that would bring them harm, and that every word we say would would bring glory and honor to Your name. Believing You will change one heart for many, we pray in the MIGHTY, LIFE-GIVING NAME OF JESUS CHRIST, Amen.