I’ll be back to the blog tomorrow. The security on my web site won’t allow me to access the administrative page from some networks, so here I am in Florida, blocked from my own site!

Yesterday, we were blocked from entering the Magic Kingdom because our passes wouldn’t work (we did eventually work it out), and had to have our bags and strollers inspected, too. Tonight, I’ll go through the same at the airport, having even my body given a thorough once over, for good measure.

It’s the way of life, isn’t it, here in the 21st century? While it’s a pain in the backside to go through, and plenty annoying, I’m still thankful for it since the evil that abounds is pretty sinister.

With all these human security measures in place, the one I rely on most has no firewalls, or scanners, or x-Ray devices, although it does keep a close eye on my heart. It’s one very old Book and one timeless, ageless God. Through Him, His sacrifice, and His Word, I’m protected from eternal consequences of a relentless, persistent enemy.

Yes, there may be evil everywhere, but I’ll keep opening myself up for the search. The protection is very worth it on all counts.

“For the word of God is alive and powerful. It is sharper than the sharpest two-edged sword, cutting between soul and spirit, between joint and marrow. It exposes our innermost thoughts and desires.” Hebrews 4:12 NLT