It’s been a heavy week here on the ol’ blog. Really, it’s just been a heavy week, amen? As much as we’d like it, all weeks are not going to be “goodness and light.” Although, I’ve found that even the worst are still shot through with both, if we’re willing to see it.

I’ve been re-reading The Hiding Place by Corrie ten Boom. I read it years ago, and, after hearing a quote from the book in a sermon recently, I thought it bore picking back up. Briefly, the story of the Dutch Christian ten Boom family centers around their hiding Jews and Dutch Underground in their house/watch shop in Holland, during the German occupation of that country. They were betrayed to the Gestapo, and consequently several of their family were taken to concentration camps where they all died, except Corrie. She lived out the rest of her life traveling with her message of hope, forgiveness, and the truth that “there is no pit so deep that God’s love is not deeper still.”
With the election freshly behind us, and the newspaper emblazoned with pictures of our new president and the “change” that is eminent, certainly we are all looking toward the future – specifically, the next four years. There are many that are fearful of what lies ahead, and, while I refuse to give into fear, I will admit that I’ve been dealing with bouts of uncertainty and dread about the whole issue. Last night, I read the following excerpt from the book, which details an event that occurred during the first week of the German Occupation of Holland:
And it was then that I had the dream. It couldn’t have been a real dream because I was not asleep. But a scene was suddenly and unreasonably in my mind. I saw the Grote Markt, half a block away, as clearly as though I were standing there, saw the town hall and St. Bavo’s and the fish mart with its stair-stepped facade.

Then as I watched, a kind of odd, old farm wagon – old fashioned and out of place in the middle of a city – came lumbering across the square pulled by four enormous black horses. To my surprise I saw that I myself was sitting in the wagon. And Father, too! And Betsie! There were many others, some strangers, some friends. I recognized Pickwick and Toos, Willem and young Peter. All together we were slowly being drawn across the square behind those horses. We couldn’t get off the wagon, that was the terrible thing. It was taking us away – far away, I felt – but we didn’t want to go…

“Betsie!” I cried, jumping up, pressing my hands to my eyes. “Betsie, I’ve had such an awful dream!”

I felt her arm around my shoulder. “We’ll go down to the kitchen where the light won’t show, and we’ll make a pot of coffee.”

The booming of the bombs was less frequent and farther away as Betsie put on the water. Closer by was the wail of fire alarms and the beep of the hose trucks. Over coffee, standing at the stove, I told Betsie what I had seen.

“Am I imagining things because I am frightened? But it wasn’t like that! It was real. Oh Betsie, was it a kind of vision?”

Betsie’s finger traced a pattern on the wooden sink, worn smooth by generations of ten Booms. “I don’t know,” she said softly. “But if God has shown us bad times ahead, it’s enough for me that He knows about them. That’s why He sometimes shows us things, you know – to tell us that this too is in His hands.”

Oh for that kind of faith! We may have bad times ahead, or we may not. We don’t know what the outcome of the next four years will be, any more than we know what the outcome of tomorrow will be. However, we’ve been given a “vision” of what it could look like, with the political unrest and war in the Middle East, the stock market, the housing market, and a man elected to our highest seat of power who may not hold to the tenants which many of us deem precious. Perhaps, like wise Betsie concluded, this vision is NOT to scare us to death, but to tell us that, “this too is in His hands.”
Is it “enough for us that He knows”? That He is going ahead of us? That we can go nowhere that He hasn’t already been?
I’m claiming that it is enough today. 
I’m praying that you are, too.
Do not be afraid or discouraged, for the Lord will personally go ahead of you. He will be with you; he will neither fail you or abandon you.” Deuteronomy 31:8 NLT