My friend Amy is always talking about her “cutie husband”. Well, I want her, and all of you, to know that I, too, have a cutie husband. Mine’s a slightly older model, but has been well-maintained, well-cared for and well-loved…for 24 years! That’s right…we celebrated 24 years of wedded bliss on Monday the 30th.
Just shy of a quarter of a century…wow! I’ve mentioned before that we met in history class in the 10th grade. We married the summer after our sophomore year in college and lived out the obligatory “pauper years” while we finished school. I know there are many people, especially those that marry young, that talk about how hard their first year was, but ours wa
s wonderful! I wouldn’t change a single thing or trade one moment of that time together. In fact, even though it sounds cliche, I wouldn’t change a single year of this marriage. Don’t get me wrong…”it ain’t all been wine and roses”! :o) However, we’ve lived out our vows to “love and to cherish, for richer or poorer, in sickness and health, forsaking all others”, as we travel to the day when one of us goes home before the other. I think one of the greatest gifts in our relationship is that we both know that whoever goes first will be waiting and ready to welcome the other. Oh, the wonder and hope of faith!

Happy Anniversary to the other half of my heart!
I can’t believe it’s been 24 years since the little blonde girl who looked up to (and still does)you so is now on her own blissful journey of 12 years now! Happy anniversary to both of you! We love you very much and thank God that he placed us all in the same family! Lisa