Return to Eden

Return to Eden

Okay, maybe not actual Eden, since the door was closed on that with a bite of an apple, but I’ve been thinking about how things were before that fateful day. What got me thinking about it was watching my youngest grandson, Landry. Since I’ve been absent on...

On Politics, Weddings, Full House, and Hate. Basically, All the Things.

It has been so long since I’ve written in this place that I discovered the theme we’d originally built the site on was no longer working with the current WordPress platform, and I had to have my web designer update it to work. That’s why it looks slightly different, but – BONUS – you can easily read from a handheld device now.


A Quick Note

For my regular and/or email readers, I just wanted to let you know that I’m having significant problems with my computer, and no time at all to deal with it! I haven’t been writing on my blog lately because of it, and, very sweetly, have had a few people reach out to be sure I was okay.

I am! Thank you for your concern.

All Things New

There has been a whirlwind of goodness happening around here. I don’t take that for granted, either; trust me. Over the last couple of years there have been some hard things that have preceded the good, so I plan to ride out this wind of delight with gratefulness.

He who was seated on the throne said, “I am making everything new!” Then he said, “Write this down, for these words are trustworthy and true.” ~ Revelation 21:5 NIV