I was passing by the television during a Dove Soap commercial, and I stopped because it really wasn’t about soap. It was about young girls and self-esteem. They were promoting their Campaign for Real Beauty, a program that funds self-esteem classes and awareness.
I came to my computer to check out the web site and found a series of short films that they produced for commercial use. They are astonishing. What you see above is called “Evolution” – a look at a print ad filmed from beginning to finished product aimed at showing young girls the reality of what they see in their favorite beauty magazines. The other one that blew me away is called “Onslaught” and can be viewed HERE. I chose not to post it due to its imagery, but if you have young girls you should watch it.
Where have we gone as a society that a soap company has taken it upon themselves to promote the raising of our childrens’ self-esteem? Sadly, I don’t know a single grown woman that, if asked, could honestly answer that they aren’t or have not been affected by what they perceive as “body perfection” through the media. When perfectly lovely women are digitally changed to look exceptional, how could we not be affected? The standard by which we measure ourselves is not even real.
The older I get, the more that the following passages about beauty ring true. I wish I could’ve understood and embraced them more easily when I was younger; I pray that my own girls are quicker studies than their mom.
Do not let your beauty come from the outside. It should not be the way you comb your hair or the wearing of gold or the wearing of fine clothes. Your beauty should come from the inside. It should come from the heart. This is the kind that lasts. Your beauty should be a gentle and quiet spirit. In God’s sight this is of great worth and no amount of money can buy it.
1Peter 3:3-4 NLV
Charm is deceptive, and beauty does not last;
but a woman who fears the Lord will be greatly praised.
Proverbs 31:30 NLT
Great post! It’s funny the older we get how beauty changes. I think we accept that the only beauty that “matters” is the heart stuff
Wise words, Girlfriend!
May we HEED the warning in the fact that we can take the challenge of what God says about each one of us to another friend that may be doubting.
Pointing them to THE WORD OF GOD instead of Cosmo’s print?!?! For there we find all that we can stand on and believe in.
I love this post, cause you know what…we are born to bear beauty. It’s part of who we are as women, coming from the first woman who was created in the Garden amidst beauty. But it’s not OUR beauty we were created to bear, it was HIS.
Thanks for sharing this.
I found you from “Pantyliners” blog.
It’s nice to meet you.
I’m happy to be reaching 40 because something “frees” us about the whole beauty and image thing!
Loved these scriptures. May our inner beauty and our love for Jesus all that people see.
Hugs and blessings~
This is a powerful post, both the video and the words. One would not be complete without the other. I hear you loud and clear, and with a young daughter still in the nest (surrounded by 3 older brothers), I can understand the importance of such a message.
Oh, the struggle this year of finding a bathing suit for her 5 year old body.
God give me courage to raise her with the image you have of her!
PS: Thanks for visiting the blog. I love yours. I can’t believe I’ve missed you thus far…