We temporarily interrupt our aforementioned temporary network hiatus to bring you important breaking news.
Yes, I know it’s only been a day, but this is important and time is of the essence and, well, I forgot to mention it before!!
My friend Cheryl turned me on to the Presidential Prayer Team in a post-election post, and I signed up. However, in addition to the daily prayer team for the president, they are doing a 77-days to Inauguration Prayer Vigil for the President-Elect. We’re a few days into this now, but I would LOVE for you to become involved. They will send you a daily email with a specific prayer request and scripture for President-Elect Obama and Vice President-Elect Biden.
Across the board, the post-election posts I’ve read have stated the importance of prayer for this incoming administration; this is the most important thing we can do as Christians. Please jump over there and join today.
Thank you for the link. I’ve never participated before, but I like how they give you a specific direction to pray for the day.
Melinda, thanks for the shout-out 🙂 And more importantly, thanks for helping make others aware of the Presidential Prayer Team. I’m praying that the responsibilities he now shoulders will keep President-Elect Obama on his knees in prayer as well. Let’s pray that he will be a man of prayer, ever calling out to God for wisdom.
Thanks for the heads up on this!
Enjoy your blogging break!!!
Oh this is so good! thanks!
enjoy your time with that man of yours. 🙂
I love this, and am so thrilled that you have joined. I have participated the past 8 years, and you will not be dissapointed. I believe a very honorable organization.
Just sayin hi and that you are missed on your blog break. 🙂