Kevin recently bought a 500 lb. gun safe. We’ve needed it for some time, but we needed one that was a specific size, to fit into a specific place, and he finally found one. Since we have a diesel pickup, he declined the delivery without a thought, and he and Maddie managed to get it unloaded into the garage.

He got the space prepared for it, then, yesterday, got it loaded onto a dolly, and started trucking it into the house. But it had to go over some grass to get to the easiest entrance, and Maddie wasn’t home.

(I have to insert, here, that Maddie works and breaks horses 24/7. Girlfriend is very strong and the complete opposite of her inept mother in cases such as this.)

This was really a job for two strong people, but he had it halfway there, so he decided to continue.

It fell off into the grass.

He almost got his hand out of the way. Almost.

I’m pretty sure his thumb is broken, although he didn’t think so, as he’s broken a LOT of bones throughout his life in sports. He’s going to have it x-rayed today to be sure.

The point is that sometimes you are facing down burdens that you cannot, SHOULD NOT, carry alone. Whether you’re the type of person who doesn’t want to be a burden to someone else, or it’s just a case of simple pride, there are instances where you have to lay all that aside and reach out for help. If you don’t, I’m here to tell you that you’ll be CRUSHED.

Just ask the man with the golden gun, which is now the one with the swollen thumb.


Bear one another’s burdens, and so fulfill the law of Christ.” Galatians 6:2 ESV

Pile your troubles on God’s shoulders—
    he’ll carry your load, he’ll help you out.” Psalm 55:22 MSG