by Melinda | Jun 18, 2013 | God in the Everyday, He's Bigger than Me, In the Eye of the Beholder, Random Musings, Thankfulness
I’ve been going through old blog posts and rereading some things from years ago, at the beginning of this whole blog adventure. For whatever reason, this one just spoke to me, as if I hadn’t even been the one to write it. Sounds like a God thing to...
by Melinda | Jun 12, 2013 | All in the Family, God in the Everyday, Living Low, Reaching Out, Thankfulness
There are those people in life who sort of glide through their days and their relationships and their jobs with an ease and elegance that you don’t see all the time. They speak with respect, always putting the other person first. Their words are uplifting...
by Melinda | Jun 3, 2013 | About Me, God in the Everyday, Living Low, Mimmie's Heart, Thankfulness, Uncategorized
I’m heading back home this morning. I’ve talked about the emotional quandary this puts me in, ad nauseum, so I won’t go into that again. It is what it is. One thing I will say is that I’ve noticed myself doing something during this time...
by Melinda | May 31, 2013 | About Me, All in the Family, God in the Everyday, Home on the Range, In the Eye of the Beholder, Mimmie's Heart, Texas, Thankfulness
I leave at O’dark-thirty in the morning for the airport and will be in the air (Lord willing) when I normally would be posting my morning thoughts. I have no idea what our travel day will look like; truly, with an almost-preschooler anything –...
by Melinda | May 30, 2013 | God in the Everyday, He's Bigger than Me, Mimmie's Heart, Random Musings, Thankfulness
Finding Nemo. Yes, my life is currently consumed by moments as they are normally lived, everyday, by almost-three-year-olds. The applications I pick up in the world around me each day are, right now, found in things that I wouldn’t really see in my own...
by Melinda | May 29, 2013 | God in the Everyday, Healing Hearts, Mimmie's Heart, Thankfulness, The Glory of Friends, Working Out Faith
We played a lot of blocks yesterday. I have a whole bucket full of old wooden blocks, the ones in primary colors that anyone around my age had when they were a kid. Lilli has really enjoyed them this visit, dumping them out into a huge pile and building castles...