by Melinda | Nov 23, 2011 | Christmas, God in the Everyday, Uncategorized
It happened in the grocery store. I was busy considering which was the best bottled barbecue sauce (I settled on Sweet Baby Ray’s), when someone passed behind me leaving the very strong aroma of Ben-Gay ointment. Without a moment’s hesitation my brain...
by Melinda | Oct 20, 2011 | Claim to Fame, God in the Everyday, Living Low
Remember sweet little Lindsay Lohan? I remember when she first came on the scene as “twins” in the Disney hit remake of The Parent Trap. I was blown away by her acting skills for such a young girl, and instantly fell in love with her fresh, freckled face...
by Melinda | Sep 26, 2011 | Claim to Fame, God in the Everyday, Living the God Life, Random Musings, Working Out Faith
If you’re not from the South, you may not understand the phenomenon that is the “Homecoming Mum.” To you, mums are a colorful, flowering shrub that you put out next to your pumpkins and gourds for tasteful fall decor. However, in the South the mum...
by Melinda | Sep 4, 2011 | God in the Everyday, Living the God Life, The Glory of Friends, Travel
Within my line of sight, at this very moment, are the following: a churning Pacific on the rocky California coastline, seagulls swooping and diving in hopes of treasure, multitudes of iconic cypress against the backdrop of the infinity of a cloudy horizon, and...
by Melinda | Apr 4, 2011 | God in the Everyday, Living the God Life, Uncategorized
We went to church yesterday, as is the usual case most Sunday mornings. It was a fine service and the message was about how we can strengthen the Body through our relationships, and the example we set for others. Certainly, it wasn’t the first time I’d...
by Melinda | Apr 30, 2010 | God in the Everyday, Living the God Life, Working Out Faith
What you are about to read is NOT, under any circumstances, a slam against non-denominational churches or those reaching out to the “seekers” around us! I’m a part of that church and movement, so please read to the very end to hear my heart. Thanks!I...