A Little Faith Restoration

Our Astounding God

This has been an AMAZING week.  One week ago, I sat at this computer and typed out a post outlining a giveaway that the Lord had placed on my heart.  I committed it to Him, asking that He multiply my small offering of five Surrendering the Secret DVD kits/books to...
A Little Faith Restoration


What a weekend! Truly, it was a God-infused, all-about-Jesus weekend of which I was SO BLESSED to be a part. THANK YOU to all of you who blessed me with your prayers and support and kind words. I am forever grateful.I’ve been basking in the after-glow since...
A Little Faith Restoration

The Language Inherent

Every time I head out for a prayer walk, I inevitably start out by praising God for His creation. I’m so moved by it, oftentimes to my own astonishment. It seems that when I’m in the midst of creation, the most minute details stand out in stark relief. I...

Cardboard Testimonies

A beautiful portrayal of the redeemed body of Christ and the power behind the sacrifice of giving. My cardboard testimony would read: In Bondage to What Others Thought of Me… Living freely in God’s thoughts and love for me!What is YOUR cardboard...