Changing One Heart for Many – Week 8

Changing One Heart for Many – Week 8

Aren’t you taken aback sometimes when a child really “gets” something? A complex subject is thrown at them and in spite of their relative lack of life experience they wrap their young minds around it and GET it. As adults, we water controversial...
Changing One Heart for Many – Week 8

Changing One Heart for Many – Week 7

Just joining us? Please go here to catch up and join the movement!”A philosophical shift has taken place in the abortion rights movement. After confronting either a pro-life president or a pro-life majority in Congress for 26 of the last 28 years, abortion...
Changing One Heart for Many – Week 8

Changing One Heart for Many – Week 6

I’m writing from Sacramento, California, where I’ve had the privilege of attending a conference with my friend Pat Layton as keynote. As the author of Surrendering the Secret, she brought her message of hope and healing to 350 women over the course of the...