Peering through the Clouds

Peering through the Clouds

I’m always moved beyond words when God decides to let me get a glimpse at heaven. He does it all the time, if I’ll just stop long enough to look. But sometimes He puts it together in such a grand fashion that I’m bowled over by it, and that happened...
Peering through the Clouds

The Beauty of Boundaries

I’m all about boundaries. I didn’t used to be, mind you. No-sir-ee, I lived in the relative discomfort of the overwhelmed boundary-less. So, it is no surprise that when Beth brought up the following point at the Living Proof Live conference in San Antonio,...
Peering through the Clouds


In mulling over all the points that were made about our being heirs of God, a couple really stood out to me.  The one I want to talk about today is this:I am an heir of God. The deposit has been made.This statement is based on Ephesians 1:13-14 (NIV):And you also were...
Peering through the Clouds

Paris Ain't the Only Heiress

See these beautiful ladies?  These are a few my fellow heiresses.  There are a three highly recognizable heiresses (if you happen to be part of the Siesta Kingdom) front-row center, and back-row right.  And that one smack in the middle is recognizable only is...
Peering through the Clouds

Fully Loaded

Before I launch into discussing the meat of Living Proof Live and our beings heirs of God, I wanted to post a few pics (now that I have them!) of the Fully Loaded conference, as well as give you a snippet of some things I learned.I went with Pat Layton and some of her...