by Melinda | May 16, 2013 | All in the Family, Mimmie's Heart, Texas, Thankfulness, Travel
I have extra heartbeats under my roof, which puts me in my happy place. We had a joyous reunion at the airport, as a little curly-headed almost three year-old came flying across baggage claim, arms wide open yelling, “MIMMIE!!!!” A movie director...
by Melinda | May 9, 2013 | All in the Family, Bible Study, God in the Everyday, God Stories, Thankfulness, Travel, Working Out Faith
I cleaned out some closets over the weekend, one of which was the storage closet in my grandkid room. Mostly, I have toys and baby equipment in there, but the top shelves are filled with photo albums, baby books, and old Bible study notebooks and materials....
by Melinda | Apr 27, 2013 | God in the Everyday, Living the God Life, Marriage, My Man, Thankfulness, Travel, Working Out Faith
I heard something yesterday that took me back to when, years ago (and before we moved to Iowa), Kevin and I used to take a “Let’s Find Winter” trip every January. We’d go to snowy places and do snowy things and have some good, snowy fun. By...
by Melinda | Apr 20, 2013 | God in the Everyday, Marriage, My Man, Thankfulness, Travel
Yesterday, I had set aside some time to work on our trip to Europe. If you missed that big announcement, my man has blessed me with a trip to France and Italy for our 50-30-50 year (two 50th birthdays and a 30th anniversary!). Let’s just say that Mama...
by Melinda | Apr 12, 2013 | Marriage, My Man, Relationship, Thankfulness, Travel, Working Out Faith
A few days ago, my mother sent me a text about how excited I must be to see my husband again. She said it was like that old 50’s song, “Reunited, and it feels so good.” I came back with how that was a 70’s song by Peaches and Herb, and,...
by Melinda | Apr 11, 2013 | God in the Everyday, Reaching Out, Thankfulness, Travel
I swiped this pic from my friend’s Facebook page (Hi Lynne!), because I’ve always liked the way it read. Nice Matters. Not matters that are nice, but the absolutely irrefutable fact that being nice really does matter. Case in point: yesterday’s...