by Melinda | Apr 10, 2013 | All in the Family, Living the God Life, Marriage, Mimmie's Heart, My Girls, Thankfulness, Travel, Working Out Faith
Today’s the day. Today’s the day when I pack up all my stuff and am escorted to the airport, wishing my eyes were equipped with windshield wipers. Not that I really need to see the road, however, since I’ve not only lived here before, but have...
by Melinda | Apr 9, 2013 | All in the Family, Mimmie's Heart, Thankfulness, Travel, Working Out Faith
What a great day! They don’t call the world (or land) o’ Disney the happiest place on earth for nothing, let me just say. One of the things I love best about these days is all the hand-holding and loving-on I get to do. Right now, I’m about the best...
by Melinda | Apr 8, 2013 | All in the Family, Mimmie's Heart, Thankfulness, Travel
Today is our long-awaited, “after Brody is born, we’ll go to Disney World” trip. Praise God. We’ve talked and talked about it. And it’s not like we haven’t been before, mind you. We are a Disney family. We’ve been...
by Melinda | Apr 26, 2012 | God in the Everyday, Great Girlfriend Adventure, Living the God Life, Reaching Out, Travel
You might be thinking that the title of this post is wrong. After all, it’s more often that you hear “Power TO the People,” isn’t it? But it’s not wrong. It’s the truth that’s washing over me as I try to process all...
by Melinda | Apr 21, 2012 | Great Girlfriend Adventure, Random Musings, Travel, Uncategorized
Sometimes there are issues that crop up in my life that seem so huge. They are all I can see, and no matter where I look, they seem to be there, looming over me, like a seemingly infinite storm-filled sky. From horizon to horizon they fill my world, and...
by Melinda | Apr 17, 2012 | Great Girlfriend Adventure, Random Musings, The Glory of Friends, Travel
We spent an incredibly fun time at Cadillac Ranch in Amarillo, enjoying the always-delightful sensation of meeting online friends, face-to-face, for the first time. We went with the intent of painting scripture references on the cars, and that’s exactly what we...