by Melinda | Apr 15, 2012 | God in the Everyday, Great Girlfriend Adventure, Random Musings, The Glory of Friends, Travel
I’m tucked in with my laptop, comfy in my bed at our hotel in Amarillo. It’s been a day of driving through high winds, trying to stay clear of the “biggest in history” storms that threatened Oklahoma, as we headed west out of that state....
by Melinda | Apr 10, 2012 | Great Girlfriend Adventure, Random Musings, Reaching Out, Social Media, The Glory of Friends, Travel, Uncategorized
In a little over 48 hours, I’ll be strapped into our rented “Adventuremobile,” next to my girl, Mary R Snyder, heading toward our first stop on the Great Girlfriend Adventure. I’ve been the Head of Receiving for this operation, with a nice...
by Melinda | Apr 5, 2012 | Great Girlfriend Adventure, Random Musings, The Glory of Friends, Travel, Uncategorized, Working Out Faith
In the midst of road trip errands (one week from today!), I had lunch yesterday with a darling friend whom the Lord plopped into my lap last year. We met every week for several months, then things started getting even crazier than normal in my world, and I had...
by Melinda | Mar 31, 2012 | Great Girlfriend Adventure, Random Musings, Travel, Uncategorized, Working Out Faith
Do you remember that song? The thigh-bone’s connected to the hip-bone… Since my confession to living a solitary life in a pit of quick-sand, I’ve had numerous messages and texts from others in the same sandy boat, in addition to the ones who...
by Melinda | Mar 29, 2012 | Random Musings, Texas, The Glory of Friends, Travel, Uncategorized
Two weeks from today, I will drive to the airport in a rented car to pick up my friend, Mary Snyder, and set out for Route 66 on the Great Girlfriend Adventure. What started as a crazy conversation about our shared love for the Americana and romance of...
by Melinda | Sep 4, 2011 | God in the Everyday, Living the God Life, The Glory of Friends, Travel
Within my line of sight, at this very moment, are the following: a churning Pacific on the rocky California coastline, seagulls swooping and diving in hopes of treasure, multitudes of iconic cypress against the backdrop of the infinity of a cloudy horizon, and...