by Melinda | Jul 21, 2009 | God in the Everyday, Travel, Working Out Faith
While I’m on a blog break, please enjoy this post originally published in August 2008.It never ceases to amaze me how my house, though clean when I leave for a trip, can be found with somewhat less “sparkle” when I return. During this last getaway,...
by Melinda | Apr 23, 2009 | Travel
To Texas, that is…and my man! Glory and Hallelujah!My best pup Riley and I hit the open road yesterday, to drive my car over and start living in Texas most of the time, instead of Florida. The house isn’t sold yet, nor have we moved our furniture, nor have...
by Melinda | Mar 3, 2009 | God in the Everyday, God Stories, Living the God Life, Random Musings, Texas, Travel, Working Out Faith
As mentioned in my last post, I just enjoyed a wonderful trip to the Sacramento area. Spring has sprung over there, as the trees were in bloom everywhere you looked.I kept saying, over and over, “God does SUCH good work!”Melissa wrote a wonderful post on...
by Melinda | Feb 23, 2009 | God in the Everyday, God Stories, Living the God Life, Random Musings, Texas, Travel, Working Out Faith
I’ve been cleaning out some clutter this weekend. I started with my guest room closet, which was appalling, and ended with my kitchen desk drawers, which were forever getting hung on things too large to have been put there in the first place. Among the errant...
by Melinda | Sep 27, 2008 | Travel
Man, I love my home state! I currently reside in Florida, and, while it certainly ain’t bad, it AIN’T TEXAS! Texas is and always will be home to me, and that’s why hubs and I just spent the last week there, looking for our own little slice of lone...