by Melinda | Aug 13, 2013 | Living Low, Reaching Out, Travel
Mornings in Grandbabyland are unpredictable at best. Well, they’re that way when I’m here, at least. With five people typically in this house, they fall into a regular rhythm, but just one new person throws the whole thing a different direction. I...
by Melinda | Aug 10, 2013 | God in the Everyday, Great Girlfriend Adventure, Relationship, Social Media, Thankfulness, The Glory of Friends, Travel
I’m propped up in a bed, in a beautiful home, watching the sunrise over the gulf of Mexico. Rough times, huh? My precious friend, Karen, arranged for the two of us and our friend, Mary, to have another friend’s home for the weekend, so we could...
by Melinda | Aug 9, 2013 | He's Bigger than Me, Thankfulness, Travel
Greetings from TGI Friday’s at DFW International Airport. I’m on my way to Florida; three days with two of my very best girlfriends, and a week with the grandbabies. Color me ecstatic. It’s pretty busy here this morning, probably having to do...
by Melinda | Jul 13, 2013 | He's Bigger than Me, Thankfulness, Travel, Uncategorized
In just a little while, I will be putting on an official “Color Run” t-shirt, pulling my hair back in a ponytail with a matching headband, and attaching a number to my shirt. I will be participating in my first 5K. And I will be walking....
by Melinda | Jul 11, 2013 | God in the Everyday, Living Low, Reaching Out, Travel
I was talking to a friend, a couple of days ago, about our upcoming trip to Europe. His ancestry is Italian, and he’s spent a good deal of time in Venice, particularly. Since that’s one of the stops on our itinerary, he was giving me some tips....
by Melinda | Jun 4, 2013 | God Stories, In the Eye of the Beholder, Living Low, Living the God Life, Marriage, Thankfulness, Travel
I noticed them when I was going through the airport security line. They both seemed a little confused, but while his confusion seemed more related to the process of getting into the secured area of the airport, hers seemed thorough and complete. I admired that...