Peace for the Journey

Peace for the Journey

Many of you are already blessed readers of Elaine Olsen’s blog, Peace for the Journey. Through her blog, and this one, along with a lot of email and prayer lifted on each others’ behalf, we’ve become dear friends.Elaine has an amazing gift with...
Peace for the Journey

Jumping the Screen

You know what one of my favorite things is about blogging and social media? The relationships formed there. You know what one of my other favorite things about it is? Jumping the screen into real life with those same relationships. There is really nothing quite like...
Peace for the Journey

A Gate Called Beautiful

I’ve been spending some time in Acts lately. This morning, I was reading about Peter and John:One day Peter and John were going up to the temple at the time of prayer—at three in the afternoon. Now a man crippled from birth was being carried to the temple gate...
Peace for the Journey

An Awesome Word

So many of us here in blogdom are speakers, bible teachers, or are involved in some sort of ministry. It can be a slippery slope to stay focused on the specific call to which the Lord has brought us.Today, I read a great post from my dear friend and ministry partner,...
Peace for the Journey

Find the Good in Good Friday

I read the story of that day, 2000+ years ago, every Good Friday.It was a day that started with betrayal, and quickly spiraled downward from there, to include an arrest by the authorities, denial by the closest of friends, a call and sentence to murder, bludgeoning,...
Peace for the Journey

Keeping in Step

You know what amazes me?God.Sounds like a pat answer from a Christian blogger, doesn’t it? But, really, I’m serious.In the past two weeks, I’ve had the opportunity to celebrate the coming birth of two girls: a ministry by that very name, and a little...