Back in the Lunchroom

Back in the Lunchroom

I find my mind wandering around my old high school lunch room this morning.I went to a very large high school, yet there were only a couple of tables that were strategically placed within view of all the others, and open to only a select few that made it...
Back in the Lunchroom

Changing One Heart for Many – IMPORTANT!!!

The information below comes from the Stop the Abortion Mandate Coalition:**BREAKING NEWS** Abortion industry lobbyists and their allies in Congress are about to ram through mandated government funding of abortion in health care reform legislation THIS WEEK in the U.S....
Back in the Lunchroom

Changing One Heart for Many – Week 41

If you’re just joining us, click here to see what this prayer team is all about! While we are a “pro-life” prayer team, we, IN NO WAY, stand in judgment against those who have chosen abortion in the past! We hold you and your heart in the highest...
Back in the Lunchroom

Well Done…

Thursday morning of last week, I woke up as I always do. I fed and walked the dog, got a cup of tea, had some quiet time, then sat down at my computer to read my mail. And there it was: an email from my old home church in Iowa, stating that their Executive Pastor, and...
Back in the Lunchroom

Changing One Heart for Many – Week 40

If you’re just joining us, click here to see what this prayer team is all about! While we are a “pro-life” prayer team, we, IN NO WAY, stand in judgment against those who have chosen abortion in the past! We hold you and your heart in the highest...