

I’m thinking this morning.Thinking about God and how He works. Thinking about how He gets us involved. Thinking about the wonder that He includes us at all…that He wants to.I’m thinking about all this because I got an email from an old friend whom I...

Changing One Heart for Many – Week 39

If you’re just joining us, click here to see what this prayer team is all about! While we are a “pro-life” prayer team, we, IN NO WAY, stand in judgment against those who have chosen abortion in the past! We hold you and your heart in the highest...

It is Well

Having a hard day today? Having a great day today? Either way, it CAN be well with your soul.This video is recorded by the Ruppe Sisters – for more on them and their music, visit their web site.

Altered – an LPL Recap

I’ve found that my wrap-up posts, after a conference weekend away, are some of my hardest. There is so much emotion tied up with so much information, that it’s very hard to articulate what resonates in my heart. However, the writing it out not only lets...

Changing One Heart for Many – Week 38

If you’re just joining us, click here to see what this prayer team is all about! While we are a “pro-life” prayer team, we, IN NO WAY, stand in judgment against those who have chosen abortion in the past! We hold you and your heart in the highest...

Heading East…

For all of you who are so faithful to stop by here, I’m offering a formal apology. I have been TER.RI.BLE. at posting of late. Lots of “life” going on over here, and very little time to write about it.However, I’m heading out this weekend for a...