Changing One Heart for Many – Week 21

Changing One Heart for Many – Week 21

Just joining us? Go here to catch up and join the movement!I love to let you know of tangible ways that you can make your voice heard and affect the cause for the unborn. I received the following note (and link on which to act) from Charmaine Yoest of AUL this...
Changing One Heart for Many – Week 21

The Hem of Heaven

It was a beautiful evening. The sun was setting in all its glory over a sea of Texas Bluebonnets, a once-a-year view that beckons a pilgrimage of wildflower lovers, birders and Texans of both home and heart.Sitting there on her porch overlooking the land that had been...
Changing One Heart for Many – Week 21

Changing One Heart for Many – Week 19

Just joining us? Go here to catch up and join the movement!If you’ve visited me in the last couple of days, you know that I just wrote about why I’m involved in the fight against abortion. Not only do I see it as an horrific loss of life as far as babies...
Changing One Heart for Many – Week 21

The Blessings of a Good Deed

Upon my visit to blog-friend-turned-real-friend Robyn’s blog today, I discovered an awesome little ditty that she’s put together. It’s all about incognito good-deed-doing, which, as far as I’m concerned, is the very best kind!I’m planning...
Changing One Heart for Many – Week 21


It was brought to my attention that the prayer team button code was faulty, sending people to a “blog cannot be found” page. The code has been corrected and, if you have it installed on your blog, you’ll need to replace the old code with the new....
Changing One Heart for Many – Week 21


Isn’t it interesting, the life to which God calls us? I have always viewed mine as a road upon which I’m traveling toward home – my eternal home, that is. It’s a road that is filled with magnificent scenery and sudden pot-holes, straight, easy...