Breaking News Interruption

Breaking News Interruption

We temporarily interrupt our aforementioned temporary network hiatus to bring you important breaking news.Yes, I know it’s only been a day, but this is important and time is of the essence and, well, I forgot to mention it before!!My friend Cheryl turned me on...
Breaking News Interruption


We temporarily interrupt our regularly-scheduled programming to announce a network hiatus until Monday, November 17, 2008. Programming will resume at that time.That’s all a fancy way to say that I’m concentrating on my man and some relaxation this week, as...
Breaking News Interruption

Our Vision for Tomorrow

It’s been a heavy week here on the ol’ blog. Really, it’s just been a heavy week, amen? As much as we’d like it, all weeks are not going to be “goodness and light.” Although, I’ve found that even the worst are still shot...
Breaking News Interruption

Cool Opportunities for a Cool Friday Afternoon

I’m heading into the weekend, like everyone else, but didn’t want to leave the land o’ blog without sending you to do something good for yourself and for someone else!First, that sweet Amy Beth over at Ministry So Fabulous is on her last day of a...
Breaking News Interruption

Fresh Perspective

It’s been quite a week for our country. I dare say that we’ve all felt the effects of the economy and financial crisis. There is such panic and anxiety all around us, and, from a world view, it’s perfectly understandable. But, even when the burden is...
Breaking News Interruption

The Protection of Our Names

My dad sent an email yesterday with quotes from children on the topic of love.  It’s been around before, so perhaps you’ve seen it.  I had, but there was one quote in particular that popped off the page at me; I didn’t remember it from before.  It...