by Melinda | Sep 25, 2013 | Living Low, Living the God Life, Uncategorized, Working Out Faith
I was talking to my daughter, yesterday, catching up on the kids and all their goings on. Now that Valé (my oldest granddaughter) is in first grade, they’ve had the addition of homework enter their world. Trying to make sure they do their part on the...
by Melinda | Sep 21, 2013 | All in the Family, Living Low, Living the God Life, Reaching Out, Relationship, Working Out Faith
When my children were small and money was very tight, my husband would hand me a crisp $100 bill and send me off with my mother to the Junior League “Trash to Treasure” sale. They had a children’s clothing resale section (mostly coming from...
by Melinda | Sep 15, 2013 | He's Bigger than Me, Home on the Range, Living the God Life, Thankfulness, Working Out Faith
We have a pool. When we were looking for a house, we weren’t looking for a pool because we’d had one in Florida and it was fraught with issues. We never used it because it was under a pool cage (better with which to keep the gators and skeeters out,...
by Melinda | Sep 12, 2013 | He's Bigger than Me, Living Low, My Country, Reaching Out, Relationship, Uncategorized, Working Out Faith
As far as the world goes, it’s been a weird week. There was the President’s address about Syria, which is troublesome no matter which side you’re on, and then the somber remembrance of 9/11 right on the heels of it. It seems there is a rumble...
by Melinda | Aug 26, 2013 | He's Bigger than Me, Living Low, Living the God Life, Random Musings, Working Out Faith
That title? It seems the truth of it has gone the way of the dinosaurs, if you take a look around. Case in point: The checkout line at Super Target on the last day before most of our schools start around here. Oh, and they were short on checkers. Oh, and about...
by Melinda | Aug 20, 2013 | He's Bigger than Me, Heart talk, Living Low, Living the God Life, My Country, My Politics, Thankfulness, Uncategorized, Working Out Faith
Yesterday, I was driving to the office. Stopped at a red light, a car pulled up next to me, windows down and stereo blaring RUSH. I haven’t heard RUSH in a long time, even the very popular Tom Sawyer… A modern day warrior Mean, mean stride...