It’s unprecedented for me to post to the prayer team 3 times in one week, but desperate times call for desperate measures!
You’d have to live under a rock to not know that the healthcare reform bill is going to be voted on Saturday…THIS Saturday. As it stands, House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, won’t allow a vote to take place on the pro-life amendment that deletes abortion funding from the current health reform bill (Stupack-Pitts Amendment).
As stated in a recent Family Research Council Action Alert statement,
“Rep. Stupak and Rep. Pitts are leading efforts to vote on this pro-life amendment, but if Speaker Pelosi does not allow this amendment to even come to a vote, then Members must oppose the “Rule” governing the floor debate. If the Rule is defeated, the legislation would be effectively defeated.”
What do we need to do?
1. Pray
2. Email/fax your representative and senators
-urge them to oppose the Rule on HR 3962 (if the Stupak-Pitts amendment to remove abortion funding is not allowed)
– ask them to support the Stupak-Pitts amendment if a vote on it is allowed
– if the Stupak-Pitts amendment fails, ask your Representative to oppose final passage of the bill (unless all abortion funding & mandates are removed from the healthcare reform package)
3. Call the same leaders
Repeat the above message or keep it simple with this statement, “I want you to oppose all abortion funding and remove all mandates from any healthcare reform package.”
4. Contact family and friends and spread the word. Email information, website links, blog links, and political contact information.
span style="font-size:100%;">5. Pray some more…for the Lord to guide our efforts, guide our leaders, change their hearts for life and Truth.
Act Now
Contact your representative and senators
Thank you in advance for your prayers, action and continuing support for the unborn and all those hurt by the lie of abortion.
**Thanks to team member A Simple Country Girl for the organized content of this post.
Yes, sister the time is RIGHT NOW! Call and email. I posted some more on my blog for today too…
Thank you for your part in this battle. We know the Lord is in control. We also know that we must do our part!
Oh, Lord, hear the cries and pleas of your people. Turn the hearts and minds of America to you! In Jesus' Name, Amen.
Thank you for a great post! I am so opposed to this non-healthcare bill that I can hardly stand it.
The silent majority must be silent no more! Amen, Melinda. Blessings to you, J
Praying and contacting my own reps… this is serious stuff.