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This is an important week for pro-lifers everywhere. If you haven’t already sent your Red Envelopes to the White House, March 31st is the day! Stop right now and visit Red Envelope Day to participate and even have them send the envelopes for you (you can send 25 envelopes for $25 dollars – postage included).

We also heard from the president on the abortion/stem cell research topic this week during his March 24th address to the nation. If you missed it, here is that part of his address:

You might see this in a totally different way, but to me, he seemed uncomfortable and burdened about this topic. I find that encouraging and I praise God that with different groups voicing their objections to all sides of this issue, from Red Envelope Day to the objections over President Obama’s scheduled speech at Notre Dame’s commencement ceremony, perhaps he’s starting to feel the pressure from those who desire a moral America. Through the power of prayer, I’m believing that’s the case.

Another encouragement was found in a recent prayer update from the Presidential Prayer Team (if you’re not a member, check it out):

Give thanks for a small group of pastors who have repeatedly been called upon by President Obama to provide spiritual support and prayer, asking that God will guide these men with great wisdom as they speak with the President. Pray for powerful moments of influence that will impact him with sound spiritual truth, biblical guidance and the love and grace of our Holy God.

God is at work, friends; in His timing and through ways only known to Him, change can and will happen.


There is no wisdom, no insight, no plan, that can succeed against the Lord.
Proverbs 21:30

Father God, we come to you today – many believers, one voice – to stand for life. Lord we praise You that, even with many in positions of power that take a stand against life, Your plan continues to move forward, unabated. Thank You for giving us glimpses of that plan at work and encouraging us to press on with the knowledge that NO plan can succeed against You. We pray for our president today, Father, that You would continue to stir his heart (perhaps through the receipt of hundreds of thousands of red envelopes) and impress upon him the need to seek godly wisdom. Surround him with those whose hearts are in tune with Yours and awaken in him a new and strong sense of not just the ethical, but the moral and wise…the RIGHT, according to Your word. Believing You will change one heart for many, we pray in the MIGHTY, LIFE-GIVING NAME OF JESUS CHRIST. Amen.

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