If you’re just joining us, click here to see what this prayer team is all about! While we are a “pro-life” prayer team, we, IN NO WAY, stand in judgment against those who have chosen abortion in the past! We hold you and your heart in the highest esteem and you are SO WELCOME here. Many women (and men) who’ve experienced abortion often hold onto the memory in silence, suppressing feelings of guilt, shame and grief for, quite often, years. If this describes you, and you would like more information on how to find hope and healing, please visit this site, or click on the “contact me” button above.
Back in January of this year, a week or so after we began this prayer journey together, I had the immense privilege of going to the taping of Travis Cottrell’s Jesus Saves Live CD/DVD at First Baptist Church of Woodstock. It was an AMAZING weekend, not only for the praise and worship and terrific teaching, but because I was there with about 30-40 of my Siestas.
During the taping, Travis and the band started to play a song called “Do It Lord.” One of my Siestas, and a member of this prayer team, Cheryl, tapped my shoulder and said, this needs to be the theme song for the prayer team.” She was absolutely right, but it would be several months before the song was released.
Both are now available. My DVD is on the way, but I couldn’t wait for you to at least hear the song, so it’s in the link below. This is the sole focus of our prayer this week. Listen and pray according to the lyrics.
Exodus 34:10 NIV
I just heard this song last weekend! It's a great song. Praying with all of you!
Love this song. Love the album, I mean CD 🙂
I love this song. Loved it from the minute I got my CD several weeks ago. Do.it.Lord!!
I am so glad that He is more than able to DO IT!!
I love Travis Cotrell. I'd never heard of him before a few months ago.
Thank you for all you do on behalf of the not-yet-born.
Amen — do it, Lord!
Heard this for the first time at the Beth Moore Simulcast last month… AMAZING! It's my prayer, as well!
Praying and so thankful because I know the Lord hears and He is at work!
Well, I can't listen to it here for some reason, but I have the CD and listened to this very song while out running tonight. I'd love to hear more about the event and get the DVD at some point. Truly, that "mercy seat" song sends me over the edge everytime; I imagine heaven to "sing" accordingly.
Do it, Lord!
I've been listening to that in my car. Great song!