If you’re just joining us, click here to see what this prayer team is all about! While we are a “pro-life” prayer team, we, IN NO WAY, stand in judgment against those who have chosen abortion in the past! We hold you and your heart in the highest esteem and you are SO WELCOME here. Many women (and men) who’ve experienced abortion often hold onto the memory in silence, suppressing feelings of guilt, shame and grief for, quite often, years. If this describes you, and you would like more information on how to find hope and healing, please visit this site, or click on the “contact me” button above.
The latest research poll from the Pew Research Center for the People and the Press found an interesting decline in the number of people who felt that abortion should be legal in all or most cases: a drop from 54% last August, to 46% today.
In addition to the decline in support of legal abortion in most or all cases, there is also an increase in those who feel abortion should be illegal in most or all cases: 44%, up slightly since last August (41%).
Pew Research states, “Since the mid-1990s, majorities have consistently favored legal abortion, with the exception of an August 2001 survey by ABC News/Washington Post.” Don’t you find it interesting that THIS YEAR, the tide is turning?
We humans keep brainstorming options and plans,
but God‘s purpose prevails.
Proverbs 19:21 MSG
I remember speaking with a homeless lady not long ago; one of her most haunting memories (and the thing she most wanted to talk about) was the child she aborted 38 years prior… not her current condition, not her lack of every worldly thing, but rather the ache she carried in her heart for that decision. I can't help but wonder how much of that has led to her fallen estate.
Thanks for your continuing vigilance for the unborn, Melinda. Hope you had a great weekend.
God is at work!!! May we be faithful to stand at the wall (in the gap) & pray!!!
Praying & believing – April
I find it fabulous – and not the least bit surprising. Thanks for leading us in this blessed crusade Melinda.
much love,
I'm still praying with you!
What encouraging news! Still praying!
We believe there is a 13 year old girl at our church who is pregnant. Her name is Kay. She and her family need our prayers.
Still here.
Still praying for President Obama and others.