Just joining us? Go here to catch up on the movement!
I had no idea…did you? Norma McCorvey – “Jane Roe” – a woman whose personal quest for a legal abortion set into motion the deaths of over 50 million U.S. babies, had an encounter with God that changed her heart forever. She’s now able to use her incredible history and testimony to speak for LIFE. Why? Because she’s been forgiven, changed…healed.
Of the women reading this post, one out of every three has had an abortion. As I stated from the very first post of this prayer campaign, I hold your heart in the highest esteem – there is no condemnation toward you in this place. I think this revelation about Ms. McCorvey is a perfect reminder that, in the midst of the important causes for the unborn we are called to support with our voices, talents and treasure, there are also millions of unhealed women who also need attention.
Maybe you, or someone you love, are among them, held captive by this “secret” or just unable to move past it. I want to let you know of two resources available to you (for men’s resources, see this post):
- Care Net – a network of over 1100 Crisis Pregnancy Centers, nationwide. Find one in your area, as many offer post-abortive healing classes/services.
- Surrendering the Secret – Post-abortion healing Bible Study (Lifeway).
This is not only an excellent study for “healing the heart-break of abortion”, but also for gaining freedom from other pain in your past. Individual or group use (DVD). There should be one of these DVD kits in every church in the nation – if yours doesn’t have one, please talk to your church about ordering.
Life is simply too short to live in captivity. Let today be the first day of FREEDOM for all the rest to follow. After all, if Norma McCorvey can be free to truly LIVE and carry the message of life to all who will listen, SO CAN YOU…SO CAN WE ALL.
It is for freedom that Christ has set us free. Stand firm, then, and do not be burdened again by a yoke of slavery. Galatians 5:1 NIV
Red Envelope Day(if you want to have them sent for you, go here)
FOCA (more important than ever)
Be Heard(petition to protect pro-life physicians)
Americans United for Life – Action (sponsors of FOCA petition and excellent resource on other life topics)
We also had a jump in commitments to the prayer team this week – the Facebook group increased by over 40 people! If you still haven’t grabbed the button from my sidebar or invited others to join (via blogging or FB) please do – the stronger our numbers, the stronger our commitment. Sign in and let us know you’re praying-you’ll be entered to win a copy of the Surrendering the Secret member book to work through yourself, show your church, or give to someone you love! I’ll use the random number generator on my sidebar to pick a winner on Wednesday!
I’m still praying with you. Sent my red envelopes and believing God will use those somehow to send a message. Wonderful post and prayer.
Will be joining everyone in prayer at 7AM in the morning. I, also, will have my red envelope ready to mail. You are doing such a good job keeping us informed. Thanks so much!! Sharon, Plano, TX
I LOVE, LOVE Galatians 5: 1. It is so very much truth. I have a message that I have done in the past for women’s events that is entitled “Shame” and it urges women to move past those shackles of shame and live in victory and freedom!!
thanks, Melinda for the info on Publix over at The Point.
One out of three? Wow. That's 30% of the population.
I know & love several young ladies that have opted for an abortion at one time or another. I pray for them, and hope one day they'll have a bigger picture of the value of each and every life. I know they did what they believed to be their only option. Sometimes it makes me weep still, even some 15 years later.
I’m joining in prayer this morning. “Jane Roe” is another incredible testimony of God’s love and redemption. I pray her voice is heard as clearly now around the country as it was those years ago.
Watching the video with “jane Roe” truly shows God’s mercy and forgiveness is for all people
Her eyes were opened – praise GOD!
I continue to pray for everyone to see and hear the truth about abortion!
love you Melinda!
God's love, redemption, healing… His power to work all things for good are amazing, awesome & humbling. There is nothing He cannot do! Believing & praying – April
Thank you for helping me live a Galatians 5:1 life.
I’m still reeling over the Texas video. I want to move to Texas, maybe.
Anyway, yes, I’m praying and continue in my vigilance to do so in so many ways. As I readied my kids for spring school pictures this morning, I was reminded, yet again, what a gift they are to me. May all of God’s gifts come to know life as it was meant to be known.
Still praying. So appreciate your commitment to lead us in this prayer initiative, Melinda. Blessings!
I’m checking in. I’m out of town, borrowing my son’s computer, and can’t get any audio. But, when I return home I’ll be watching (and listening) to this video.
I’m posting a link to this post on my blog.
And I’m praying for President Obama.
Praying! Thank you Melinda.
Praying….you are an angel!
Love your blog….It it just inspiring…
Be sure and stop by my blog. I am giving away my first EVER BLOG PRIZE and its a good one.
I own a gift basket business and it is the most requested gift over the last 15 years.
I want to start blessing people often. I have decided that’s life at its BEST.
Happy Monday!
Praying praying praying!!! Loved the testimony information.
Thanks for your commitment in leading us in prayer.
Still praying and holding firm to Galatians 5:1!
Your neighbor across the bay in St. Petersburg – for now, anyway!
I want to tell you how glad I am for you that you’re moving back home to Texas!! I was hoping to meet you one day since we live so close and we have a lot in common – your list of favorites could have been written by me – REALLY! I know you have lots to do before you move, but if you have a hour or so and want to meet in the middle for a quick lunch or coffee somewhere in South Tampa, I would love that! You can e-mail me at [email protected]. Do NOT feel obligated – I can only imagine how much you have to do. But, maybe it’ll work out…
I am still praying. Hubby’s sister has some medical needs at the moment, wasn’t able to pray this morning but will ASAP.
I know that God forgave me a long time ago for what I did. Forgiving myself, well that’s something I’m still working on after 24 years. Thank you for this post.
Still praying with all of you. Thank you for posting this video. I do pray that men and women will receive the forgiveness and healing of Jesus Christ.
Continueing to prsy Melinda!
Late signing in, but still praying here in Alabama.
The verse that comes to mind when watching this video is Genesis 50:20 “As for you, you meant evil against me, but God meant it for good, to bring it about that many people [1] should be kept alive, as they are today.”
I am praying for President Obama!
Here is an interesting article that was sent to me tonight about the plane crash from Sunday that involved the “Irving Bud Feldkamp”
family – it’s worth a read