Since we’ve been in Texas, we’ve been doing what new-to-town, church-going people do: visiting a lot of different churches. We each have a list in our heads and hearts of things in a church that are important to us, and we’ve narrowed it down to a couple that have warranted return visits.
One of these has a “contemporary” service (praise band and contemporary songs) at 9:15 and a “traditional” service (full orchestra, 100+ person choir and hymns) at 11:30. Because we’ve been members of non-denominational, contemporary churches for our entire married lives, we have been attending the first service. However, when one of Hubs’ employees from Florida was here visiting, and asked to go to church with us, we chose to take him to the second service, thinking it would be most comfortable for him with his traditional Lutheran background.
Since I love all kinds of music, and was raised on hymns and a pipe organ, I was engaged in the worship; however, Hubs was not. Then, one of the associate pastors delivered the message and, truly, it was among the driest I’d ever heard. Bor. Ing.
When the service was over, apologies were on my lips as I turned to our guest. I just hated that he had to visit on this yawn of a Sunday. But, my eyes were met with a face full of excitement.
“That was one of the best services I’ve ever attended! The music was fabulous, the orchestra sent chills up my spine and that speaker! He had me completely engaged the entire time, both motivating and challenging me! I can’t wait to take some of these ideas back home to our church!”
Hubs and I stood there with our mouths agape.
I’ve thought about this a lot over the last couple of weeks. I’ve thought about how many complaints are uttered within our church walls – “our music needs to be more hip”…”we need to stick to the basics”…”we’re too far ‘out there'”…”we want more hymns”…and on and on. People convinced to their core that there is only one right way to do church. The truth of the matter is that the church is made of many individuals, with as many individual tastes and preferences. As long as it remains true to scripture, there are a LOT of different ways to do church. Different approaches to worship and teaching reach different people. What one person finds dull as dry toast, the other feasts on as if it was manna from heaven.
Christ knew there were “different strokes for different folks.” He ministered to each person He encountered in a way that would best speak to them. Should we or our churches be any different? Our differences, when we’re all connected to the same Vine, go a long way to nourishing and feeding a larger number…and producing a huge crop of good fruit.
And a lot of tasty food for thought.
You have hit on such a nerve with so many people. In our church we have the same issues. Some would prefer praise and worship music while others perfer the old hymns. We have lost members and families due to this issue and I hate that. I love both, although I do lean a bit more toward the praise and worship side of things. However, the key, I believe, is going into worship with a heart prepared to do just that…worship. The whole thing isn't about us anyway. It is all about Him and worshipping Him.
God bless ya, girlfriend.
Great point…..but please let me stay in the contemporary. Ha
Hope you are loving your new location…this has been such a hot summer….
Email me and tell me what churches yall have visited.
Isn't it neat the way God connects with us individually? He sure knew what He was doing when He had you take your friend to the late service, huh?
All the best deciding on your church home!
I went through a similar process when we moved here to Arizona in 2000. It was a mixture of fun & frustration. I thought I'd never find a church suitable for both hubby and me (he being the traditional but not-too-heavy teaching type; me being a bit more contemporary, loving the depths of God's word).
I needn't have worried. God planted us right where we would both be blessed.
Do let us know where you land.
Blessings & prayers,
As someone I know says, "That's why God made Tutti-Fruitti"
I love how I get the best of both worlds. I get a lot of P&W at church and just through what I regularly listen to, but get the hymns and actual hymnal holding (not power point) at BSF on Wednesdays (for 9 months out of the year).
Looking for a church is hard and we had a terrible time of it in VA for the 1 1/2 yrs we were there. I feel ya.
Oh girl this was SO good.
I had a similar discussion early this week with someone who thinks if Church isn't done "their way", it's wrong. I was just amazed.
I just want to worship Jesus! If I'm someplace that I don't feel free to do that, then I take it as a sign that maybe I'm not where God wants me to be!
Blessings sweet friend!
This was beautiful written and shared with us. Dry as toast, and a tasty morsel to the next. God speaks to us right where we are at, not changing us, but allowing His Word to change us. GLORY TO HIS NAME!
Love to ya,