There is nothing quite like the early hours, especially at this time of year. The pink glow that just starts to cast across the remains of the leaves on the trees, the dark quiet of the house, save for the beautiful twinkle of the Christmas tree, the ticking of our wall clock. It’s all a precious calm to me, a centering place before the crazy of the day begins.

Today’s quiet is really something to be captured because in just a few minutes, there will be squeals, and little feet slapping their way across concrete floors. There are lots of hearts beating under my roof and my joy knows no end.

And there it is.

“Mimmie?! Can you come play wiff me?”

Why, yes. Yes, I can.

Take a few moments today to enjoy some quiet. Even if it’s just a few moments in the car, or a single cup of coffee. Your spirit, mind and heart need it. And there’s Someone ready to chat, if you’re interested. He’s always awake, but I find He’s especially chatty at first light.


Every morning
    you’ll hear me at it again.
Every morning
    I lay out the pieces of my life
    on your altar
    and watch for fire to descend.” Psalm 5:3 MSG

“Satisfy us in the morning with your steadfast love, that we may rejoice and be glad all our days.” Psalm 90:14 ESV