On this morning after Super Tuesday, when it appears that the country has lost its mind, I am going to talk about something that doesn’t have anything but a positive effect on my blood pressure:

Rainbows and kittens.

“She jests,” you might be thinking to yourself.

“This is just going to be a fluff piece,” you might be musing.

But no, I’m serious.

Rainbows, for all the wonky ways they’ve been misused (I’m not going to go there), are, at their core, not only a beautiful spectacle of nature, but a sign from the very Creator of nature. A promise from God, after Noah disembarked the ark onto dry land, that He will never again flood the earth.

Kittens are, well, adorable, but also they are new. A tiny new being full of life.

And, as I sit here, willing myself to think about these two things after viewing yesterday’s polling results, I’m comforted by the fact that God is a God of promises kept, and the Creator and Giver of new life. I’m comforted that, beyond all the madness, I have to but look up and out to see the reminders of that.

And to be reminded that this life is as fleeting as a rainbow, and about a lot more than who is president for the next four years. Certainly, it’s important in the immediate scheme of things and the fabric of our country, but in the grand scheme, what’s more important is that we’re threading the Good News into it. Good news about the fact that there’s more after this broken old life is through. Good news about the promise of new life.

Good news…about rainbows and kittens.


“Go into the world. Go everywhere and announce the Message of God’s good news to one and all.” ~ Mark 16:15 MSG