My posts have been a little scarce of late; things have been hopping around here in an interesting way.
After months of feeling stuck, I received two equally wonderful ministry opportunities, leaving me with one of the hardest decisions I’ve had to make in recent (or distant, for that matter!) memory. I set about seeking God’s direction over the next week, enlisting the help of all my prayer warriors and setting aside a specific day for fasting and concentrated prayer.
On the day before fasting, I was slammed with a horrible migraine. It knocked me out for the entire day, rendering it a waste and completely unproductive. Determined, I awoke the next day to begin my fast. The migraine lingered for a while, then, thankfully, left…only to be replaced by intense, racking body pain. Flu? No. Just the pain. Then, Hubs called and said that our builder was putting road blocks up with the bank on our interim financing. On the heels of that call, our architect emailed, saying that the house we were wanting to build would not fit on the property if it was designed the way we wanted. That, of course, wouldn’t be a problem if there was any other spot on the property that was not in flood plain or in the way of a necessary culvert. It looked like our build project was quickly heading south. To top it all off, the moment after I got off the phone with Hubs, telling him of this latest development, the dog tossed his cookies (and what appeared to be everything he’d consumed for the last two days) on the carpet, at my feet.
I will admit to feeling very distracted, very defeated, and on my way to very depressed. Then, the Lord spoke to my heart…
or your entry into this ministry, to succeed.
Fight back.
When Christ was sent into the desert and tempted, it was right after He was baptized and stepping into public ministry. Certainly, any time we’re trying to be obedient and follow God into His kingdom work (no matter what that looks like), satan is going to turn up the heat. Christ dealt with the temptation through quoting scripture, and I’m here to tell you, if it worked for Him, it will certainly work for us!
I fought back. I yelled at that blasted enemy with scripture, right here in my little apartment, and continued with my fast. I hurt all over…BAD…and I was sorely tempted to throw in the towel and crawl into bed.
But I didn’t.
This is what happened:
- I got a word on the direction I was to go. Not on the fast day, but the day after my “war” with the devil. It was in God’s timing and it was confirmed, just as I had asked.
- My body pain went completely away by the next morning. No headache…no body aches…nothing.
- We went searching for houses again yesterday, and are putting an offer on another house this evening. It’s beautiful, and it’s a foreclosure, making it an exceptional deal.
- The dog never threw up again. (grin)
Life is hard. The enemy does his best to make it harder. But following after God is worth whatever opposition we have to go through.
It is so, so worth the fight.
Photo credit: evaiksno
It seems like any time I am led to fast (usually just lunch) there is no end of food sitting in the kitchen and smells wafting from the kitchen which is right across the hall from my office. I have even had people buy me cookies for no reason and bring them to me in my office on a fasting day. *sigh* I love that we can recognize that our battle is not with flesh and blood but with "spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly realms." I'm so proud of how you stuck with it and did battle, girlfriend. SO proud.
Melinda, right after I read this post I immediately thought of a song from Warren Barfield called "Love is Not a Fight." It actually was in "Fireproof", but boy do I love it. One line that gets me every time says, "Love is not a fight, but it's something worth fighting for…" SO, so true. Love, especially our love for Jesus Christ, should not be a fight, but it is SO worth fighting FOR! And that's just it, we HAVE to fight for it.
Thanks for sharing this with us! Can't wait to hear more about your journey and where it is taking you! And super glad the pup didn't throw up again. I just can't handle it! 🙂
Much love your way!
Thank you for posting this Melinda!
So, so true. This week has been hard. Like you it was one thing after the other in my attempts to draw closer to the Lord. Yesterday I just cried and cried and wanted to crawl back in bed. I sort of sensed it was an attack but gave into a bad attitude. But today is a new day!!
I'm gonna get those scripture memory cards back out.
So happy for you with the new ministry, house and that you and the dog are no longer sick! God is so good!
I know what you went through. I spoke of our (then) church board treating a conference debt as a tithe. I was telling a member who had been out of state for the winter about this plan. (I was at that time tithing my grocery money.) The next two months were difficult for me with my money. I said it was the enemy who caused it.
Way to go, Melinda! How awesome! Looking forward to hearing about where He leads you!
That stinkin devil doesn't know who he's messin with. Did he not know you had a mess of siestas on your prayer squad?!
Wow – How awesome that you didn't go back to bed, but that you faced the enemy down and let him know whose you are!! I LOVE how the LORD didn't just give you the answer you were seeking about the minstry, but He found you a house, too!! And then you woke up the next day pain free and even your little dog was all better!! He blessed you for your obedience and sacrifice. Way to go, Melinda!!
Thanks for sharing!
It has been a horrible week on this end and I know the enemy is after me! You are right, it is so worth the fight!! Still waiting for my lightening bolt!! 🙂
love you!
I LOVE this post, Melinda! Your last couple of sentences had me on my feet, shouting, "You go, God!" Awesome stuff!
Bless your heart
you ar so right!
WE have to fight back – our enemy wants us to feel defeated
So proud of you
Can't wait to hear about the house and so glad your dog is OK!! 🙂
Much love
SPEAKING VOLUMES TO ME and the body aches and oppositions that are raging as I continue to seek hard after God. May HE say that she did know Me. Oh that is my hearts cry.
Love to you and lets fight this together.
Fight on, sister; we stand with the Victor. Keep to it.
Would love to hear more about where God is leading you as time allows.