Rainbows and Kittens

  On this morning after Super Tuesday, when it appears that the country has lost its mind, I am going to talk about something that doesn't have anything but a positive effect on my blood pressure: Rainbows and kittens. "She jests," you might be thinking to yourself. "This is just going to be a fluff piece," you might be musing. But no, I'm serious. Rainbows, for all the wonky ways they've been misused (I'm not going to go there), are, at their core, not only a beautiful spectacle of nature, but a sign from the very Creator of nature. A promise from God, after Noah disembarked the ark onto dry land, that He will never again flood the earth. Kittens are, well, adorable, but also they...

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As Never Before

  I'm heading to the polls today, like many of you. Truly, I feel like I'm carrying a two-ton weight on my back as I go, a burden of frustration and disheartened sadness that I've never before carried into an election. I know that whomever sits in the oval is not my savior. I fully understand that God is in control, so that is not the issue. Instead, it's the fact that we are falling apart as a nation. We are giving up any semblance of decorum, decency, integrity, or character in favor of empty promises and vulgar narcissism, and I don't just mean in this election cycle. We've been doing it little, by little, for a long time, riding on a wave of arrogance that is finally being swept...

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  As I have well-documented, Brody is obsessed with Toy Story. We discovered that there are some Toy Story short films available now, beyond the full-length movies, and one of them is Toy Story That Time Forgot. It mainly focuses on Trixie and Rex, the two dinosaur toys, and is set in a dinosaur playscape, a Christmas present that belongs to a friend of their current owner, Bonnie. They've come for a playdate at this friend's house, and a little angel-kitty Christmas ornament that Bonnie had been using as her "Kittysaurus" has also been put in her backpack with her other toys. The little angel kitty is a fount of wisdom, as it happens, spouting bits of truth throughout the show, like...

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His Words for When You’re Overwhelmed

  Sometimes life is a lot, isn't it? Faced with mountains at every turn, it can feel like it's just too much. He has something to say about that.   But Jesus looked at them and said, “With man this is impossible, but with God all things are possible.” ~ Matthew 19:26 ESV Your word is a lamp to my feet and a light to my path. ~ Psalm 119:105 ESV God, listen to me shout,     bend an ear to my prayer. When I’m far from anywhere,     down to my last gasp, I call out, “Guide me     up High Rock Mountain!” You’ve always given me breathing room,     a place to get away from it all, A lifetime pass to your safe-house,     an open invitation as your guest. You’ve always taken me...

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  I'm sitting in a hotel room in Washington, D.C., as I write this. Here for my cousin, Brigadier General J.B. Burton's, military retirement, I watched as his 31 year career with the Army was honored. He has had 18 posts, and 9 deployments, including command of Dagger Brigade 1st Infantry Division, and the 20th CBRNE, the Army's premier command combating the threats from chemical, biological, radiological, nuclear, and explosives. His wife, Cathy, and son, Austin, have moved and moved and moved, she being tireless in her efforts to support the military families of the thousands of troops under his command, and he having grown up often separated from his dad. The ceremony was held at...

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